
Updates your physical and emotional memory and promotes living, thinking and staying healthy.


The Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.) is a non-invasive holistic approach to well-being that balances the workings of all the systems of the body. B.E.S.T. is a system of healthcare that is used by mind and body healing practitioners worldwide. B.E.S.T. is truly state-of-the-art in balancing your mind, body, soul and memory energy fields by removing interference between your body and the power that makes your body. When interference is present, symptoms develop and your health can deteriorate. By performing the B.E.S.T. procedure, this will allow your body to function more efficiently, thus repairing and rebuilding the damage from nutritional, physical and mental stress.

There are 6 essential areas for B.E.S.T. health:

  • What you eat
  • What you drink
  • How you exercise
  • How you rest
  • How and what you breathe
  • What you think

One of the most important factors in your overall health is how you think. The way you think (positive or negative) can change how your body operates.

An example of how your thoughts and emotions affect your health is to think of something that you really hate. Thoughts alone can affect your physical status (increasing your heart rate, causing headaches, making you tense, nauseous, etc.)

B.E.S.T. is performed by lightly touching certain pressure points in a specific sequence. With proper energy, and having the patient think about memory stress, it has been shown that the interference is removed and the body will re-communicate with the brain. Your body functions are controlled by your brain.  This being said when interference is removed and they are working in unison, body balance and healing are the results.

tricia sunrise